Friday, April 1, 2011

Vote: Imman Nyin Eke Vote

I see you the weeping mother
of children abducted, brutalised and murdered
anguished and hopeless for life wasted
mumbling and lamenting in your helplessness

I see you the young man
struggling for years to find a job
to make ends meet, to start your family
to prove your mettle, to be a man

I see you the youth
opening your eyes to reality
of the cruelty of the world
and wondering if there is any point in trying so hard

Ntoeka mukit ke enyin esit me
for I am you and you are me
your pain is mine and your injury hurts me
Idara aya di ke usiere

We have a voice and let no one tell us any different
Our vote is our voice and we will use it
walk past the army tanks, circumvent the police road blocks
cover your heads against the rain and go to the polls

They seek to divide us with age old hatred
how can they turn me against the breasts of my annang wife
how can anyone seperate me from the strong bosom of my Ibibio man?
It is not about my tribe, it is about those who use their power to silence me.

But I have a voice and I will speak
I will go to the polls and speak the voice of God.
I will vote my conscience and make sure my vote counts
I have found my voice and I will never again be silenced

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